The demand for mobile devices was at an all-time high in 2013. In 2014, Smartphones and Tablets will gain greater popularity. After all, reports suggest that mobile Internet usage will take over desktop Internet usage within a year. Even 5 years back, most of us could not think of surfing the Web via anything other than our desktop computers. However, we soon got “paralyzed” by the incessant advancements in mobile technology.Human race once took pride in sending rockets to outer space, but is now helplessly depending on mobile devices. From GRS navigation to table reservation, we can no longer think of a life that does not connect with mobile technology. Therefore, online shopping via mobile devices was just a matter of time.However, online shopping via mobile devices or mobile commerce did us more good than harm. Mobile commerce is a secure, user-friendly and time-saving way of online shopping. Almost every well-known e-commerce website created a strong mobile presence in 2013, and the ones who are lagging behind will surely catch up with them in future. If you are one of those e-commerce companies who are planning to create a strong mobile presence in 2014, here are the top mobile commerce strategies to keep in mind:#1. Bargain HuntingBargain hunting makes it easier to compare price of a product. As customers love to compare prices before making a purchase, app creators have come out with apps imbued with the power of scanning barcodes and discovering various prices at different retailers. There are also mobile websites that serve the purpose of comparing prices of a product at different stores.#2. Mobile TicketingMobile ticketing is one of the most common sights we see around us these days. And it will not slow down any time soon. What is mobile ticketing? It is the process of using a mobile device to buy tickets of an event. As a result, every service provider is aiming to make sure that its mobile customers find it easy to buy tickets via mobile devices.#3. Tangible GoodsIn earlier years, people mainly bought ring tones and games via mobile commerce. A recent survey suggests that mobile shoppers will spend around $120 billion on tangible goods in 2015. This is a great news for online retailers that sell tangible products and services.#4. Mobile MarketingWhile 20% of online retailers already have a mobile presence, a mobile commerce strategy is either in place or in the development stage for the rest 80% of online retailers. Once the process is complete, these companies must make sure that they are marketing their products properly. The idea of offering coupons and deals via emails and text messages is an effective way to start the mobile marketing campaign.#5. Mobile BankingIt was in 1999 in Europe when mobile banking came into existence. Ever since then, mobile banking is our trusted way to make transactions and check account balances. When banking is so easy and fast using mobile devices, it is the perfect time to invest in mobile banking apps. These apps had a phenomenal rise last year, and will continue doing so in future.ConclusionAs I stated it earlier, the future prospects of mobile commerce are full of promises. Online retailers who are still not a part of the “Going Mobile” phenomenon must make sure that their businesses are on the map soon. If there is any slack in efforts, business competitors will not wait and capitalize on targeting the potential customers. In short, an effective mobile commerce strategy will decide on the success of a business.
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